Sustainable & Responsible Investing



Markets evolve and change over time. The biggest shift occurring today is the evolution and increasingly widespread adoption of additional methods of risk analysis which incorporate environmental, social and governance factors (ESG) to create a more complete understanding of securities and portfolios. This is based on mounting data which demonstrates that companies can enhance their long-term competitiveness and profitability by embracing and embedding in their day-to-day business activities best ESG practices.

Our Senior Advisor, Emery Pike, is a noted thought leader in ESG investing who has written and published extensively on this topic.


SSWM has developed a series of Model Portfolios which focus on world-leading companies who are helping to effect positive change in our society and the world at large.

Our ESG portfolios can also be customized to emphasize a particular area from among many ESG dimensions:


For more information about SSWM ESG portfolios, please contact Emery Pike or Caroline Shamburg at (336) 765-2020.